Program Directory
In addition to the Programs offered by the individual partners, there are numerous programs offered Region-wide, such as the Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper, High-Efficiency Washer Rebate, Green Business Program, and more.
Use the filter options below to select your region, local water provider and/or program type to see all the programs available to you. If you do not know who provides your water, you can look up your address on the find your local provider page before getting started with the directory below.

GreenHouse Call Program
Youth Energy Specialists work in teams of two to provide neighbors with no-cost Green House Calls. By installing energy and water saving devices in local homes, Rising Sun Energy Center prevents 28 metric tons of CO2 from entering the atmosphere each year.

GreenHouse Call Program
Youth Energy Specialists work in teams of two to provide neighbors with no-cost Green House Calls. By installing energy and water saving devices in local homes, Rising Sun Energy Center prevents 28 metric tons of CO2 from entering the atmosphere each year.

High Efficiency Toilet Rebate
Customers who install high-efficiency, low flow toilets may be eligible for a rebate per toilet installed.

High Efficiency Toilet Rebate
Customers who install high-efficiency, low flow toilets may be eligible for a rebate per toilet installed.

High Efficiency Toilet Rebate
Customers who install high-efficiency, low flow toilets may be eligible for a rebate per toilet installed.

High Efficiency Toilet Rebate
Customers who install high-efficiency, low flow toilets may be eligible for a rebate per toilet installed.

High Efficiency Toilet Rebate
Customers who install high-efficiency, low flow toilets may be eligible for a rebate per toilet installed.

High Efficiency Toilet Rebate
Customers who install high-efficiency, low flow toilets may be eligible for a rebate per toilet installed.

High Efficiency Toilet Rebate
Replacing old toilets will save water and lower your water bill! Replace your old 1.6 gallon per flush toilet with a new WaterSense labeled high efficiency toilet and receive a rebate of up to $75 on qualifying models.

High Efficiency Urinal Rebate
Replace your old 1 gallon per flush urinal with a new WaterSense labeled urinal that uses less than a pint, and receive a rebate.

Laundry to Landscape Graywater Programs
Use the water from your clothes washer to water your garden. When you install a kit to divert water from your washing machine to your garden, it’s called a Laundry-to-Landscape graywater system.

Laundry to Landscape Graywater Programs
Use the water from your clothes washer to water your garden. When you install a kit to divert water from your washing machine to your garden, it’s called a Laundry-to-Landscape graywater system.