Report Water Waste

sprinkler head watering sidewalk

On January 18, 2022 the State Water Board adopted an emergency drought regulation due to the severe drought conditions throughout California.

The Emergency Regulation prohibitions include:

  • Outdoor watering that allows water runoff onto sidewalks and other areas (except incidental runoff)
  • Washing vehicles without an automatic shutoff nozzle
  • Washing hard surfaces like driveways or sidewalks that don’t absorb water
  • Street cleaning or construction site preparation
  • Filling decorative fountains, lakes or ponds without a recirculation pump
  • Outdoor watering within 48 hours after at least 1/4 inch of rainfall
  • Watering decorative grass on public medians

The Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership offers the below form to allow area residents to anonymously report water waste in our community (Sonoma and Marin counties and the Russian River Watershed). Complete the form below and we will forward the information to the local water supplier, and they will investigate and follow up at the location you provided:

  • Where is the Water Waste taking place?

  • Please add your information so we can contact you with any questions about the water waste incident. We will not use your information for any other purpose.
  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 10 MB, Max. files: 3.
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.