Program Directory
In addition to the Programs offered by the individual partners, there are numerous programs offered Region-wide, such as the Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper, High-Efficiency Washer Rebate, Green Business Program, and more.
Use the filter options below to select your region, local water provider and/or program type to see all the programs available to you. If you do not know who provides your water, you can look up your address on the find your local provider page before getting started with the directory below.
Rainwater Harvesting Rebate
Every time it rains, this naturally softened (and free) water is dumped on your property! Don't let it all flow away! Capture it to use it in your garden when you want to, your plants will thank you. You might even qualify to get a rebate to do so!
Recirculating Hot Water Pump
Do you wake up on those cool mornings to turn on the shower or sink and let the water run for 30-120 seconds? To reduce water waste while you wait for the water to warm up, we recommend installing a hot water recirculating system.
Recirculating Hot Water Pump
Do you wake up on those cool mornings to turn on the shower or sink and let the water run for 30-120 seconds? To reduce water waste while you wait for the water to warm up, we recommend installing a hot water recirculating system.
Service Split Incentive Rebate
Many properties have one water meter that serves both indoor and outdoor water use. Separate your irrigation system from your indoor use by installing a dedicated irrigation meter and receive a rebate!

Smart Irrigation Controller Programs
Smart irrigation controllers act like a thermostat for your sprinkler system: telling it when to turn on and off based on local weather and landscape conditions. With proper installation, programming, and maintenance, these self-adjusting controllers can reduce overwatering.

Smart Irrigation Controller Programs
Smart irrigation controllers act like a thermostat for your sprinkler system: telling it when to turn on and off based on local weather and landscape conditions. With proper installation, programming, and maintenance, these self-adjusting controllers can reduce overwatering.

- Sonoma County, Marin County
Sonoma-Marin HE Clothes Washer Rebate
Replace a top-loading clothes washer with a qualifying front-loading clothes washer and receive a rebate from participating water suppliers.
Sustained Reduction Program
Is there a technology or hardware you want to install but we don't have a rebate for it? If it can achieve a sustainable reduction every month in water use and wastewater flow, you may qualify for $200 for every 1,000 gallons reduced!
Water Efficient Landscape Programs
Not quite ready to remove your lawn? Is your controller from the 1980s? Have you been thinking of converting your spray system to drip irrigation? There are many water efficient landscape rebates available.
Water Efficient Landscape Programs
Not quite ready to remove your lawn? Is your controller from the 1980s? Have you been thinking of converting your spray system to drip irrigation? There are many water efficient landscape rebates available.

- Sonoma County, Marin County
Water Smart Gardens Maintenance Manual
The Water Smart Gardens Maintenance Manual is a step-by-step guide on how to maintain a low water use landscape. It features a maintenance calendar of what you need to do and when as well as how and why. Following the manual will help reduce the time and resources needed to grow a vibrant, water efficient landscape.
Water Smart Home Programs
Ever wondered how efficient your property is? Having issues trying to reduce your use? Have trained staff walk you through your current system and help looks for improvements that could save water.