Program Directory
In addition to the Programs offered by the individual partners, there are numerous programs offered Region-wide, such as the Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper, High-Efficiency Washer Rebate, Green Business Program, and more.
Use the filter options below to select your region, local water provider and/or program type to see all the programs available to you. If you do not know who provides your water, you can look up your address on the find your local provider page before getting started with the directory below.

Laundry to Landscape Graywater Programs
Use the water from your clothes washer to water your garden. When you install a kit to divert water from your washing machine to your garden, it’s called a Laundry-to-Landscape graywater system.

Laundry to Landscape Graywater Programs
Use the water from your clothes washer to water your garden. When you install a kit to divert water from your washing machine to your garden, it’s called a Laundry-to-Landscape graywater system.

Laundry to Landscape Graywater Programs
Use the water from your clothes washer to water your garden. When you install a kit to divert water from your washing machine to your garden, it’s called a Laundry-to-Landscape graywater system.

Laundry to Landscape Graywater System Rebate
This rebate is for up to $125 for the cost of materials for qualified residents and is a great way to reduce potable water usage for irrigation.
Mulch Madness
Apply to our Mulch Madness program. This program includes free sheet mulching supplies including compost, cardboard, mulch, irrigation supplies, and delivery.
Pool and Spa Cover Rebate
Pool and spa covers are required by the Petaluma Municipal Code, and covering swimming pools and spas when not in use is the most effective method of reducing water loss through evaporation. The City of Petaluma offers a Pool & Spa Cover Rebate for active City of Petaluma water customers. Receive up to $200 for the purchase of a pool or spa cover (not to exceed actual cost).
Pool Cover Rebate
Using a cover when your pool is not in use is the best way to reduce evaporation and save water.
Pool Cover Rebate
Covering your pool can save water, energy, and maintenance costs. Purchase and install a new qualifying pool cover and we may be able to provide you a one-time credit on your next water bill of up to $50.
Pool Removal Rebate
Remove your pool and replace with a beautiful drought resistant landscape. Santa Rosa Water can help offset removal costs with a rebate up to $750 (Residential) or $7,500 (Commercial). Removing your pool can save water, energy, and maintenance costs.

- Sonoma County, Marin County
Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper (QWEL)
Does your landscaper know how to keep your landscape looking great while saving your water and money? Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper (QWEL) training is a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency WaterSense approved training program for landscapers that provides an educational foundation based on principals of proper plant selection for the local climate, irrigation system design and maintenance, and irrigation system programming and operation.

- Sonoma County
Rainwater Catchment Rebate and Streamflow Enhancement Pilot Project
In partnership with Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District (GRRCD), Sonoma Resource Conservation District (Sonoma RCD), Daily Acts, County of Sonoma and the California Department of Water Resources, rebates are available for both small and large rainwater capture systems.
Rainwater Harvesting
Every time it rains, this naturally softened (and free) water is dumped on your property! Don't let it all flow away! Capture it to use it in your garden when you want to, your plants will thank you. You might even qualify to get a rebate to do so!