Water Conservation Emergency Regulations

Although local water supply conditions are in good shape in 2024, statewide drought emergency regulations are still effect as detailed below:

Water Conservation Regulation Prohibiting Irrigation of Non-Functional Turf (NFT):

Irrigation of non-functional turf with potable water remains prohibited for commercial, industrial, and institutional (CII) landscapes in California pursuant to State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) regulations.

The State Water Board has defined non-functional turf as, “Turf that is solely ornamental and not regularly used for human recreational purposes or for civic or community events.” The State Water Board’s regulation stipulates that some turf areas are exempt from the turf irrigation ban.

Please note, this does not prohibit watering trees. Trees within non-functional turf areas could be negatively impacted by the ban on turf irrigation, so the regulation allows continued irrigation of trees even if some turf under trees will receive water.

The regulation remains in effect until June 2024, unless the State Water Board takes action to rescind or extend the regulation.