Video Library
The Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership works with partners throughout the region to provide resources for ways to save water. Check out these previously recorded webinars, partner events, and how-to videos on topics ranging from graywater to gardening during a drought.
Climate Froward Trees Webinar
Zero Waste Water Webinar
Finding and Fixing Leaks in Your Irrigation System -
Graywater Basics
Laundry to Landscape
Permitted Graywater Systems
Water Saving Tips From Hotel Trio
Resilient Landscaping: Gardening in the Defensible Space
Drought Gardening Tips
How To Read Your Water Meter
Care for Trees During Drought
Cuidado de Sus Arboles Durante Una Sequía
Save Water with a WaterSense Irrigation Controller
Ahorrar agua. Cambiar a un controlador WaterSense
Switch to Drip
El Riego por Goteo Ahorra Agua
Sprinkler Spruce Up
Mantenimento Sistema de Riego
Climate Froward Trees Webinar
This is a webinar presented by the Sonoma County Master Gardeners in partnership with City of Santa Rosa.
Learn how to water trees during the drought and rebates available for efficient tree irrigation. Find out how to select trees that will thrive in our changing climate and, once established, will need little water. We will also present the outcome of the Climate Forward Trees project, a list of trees Santa Rosa residents can plant now that will thrive for the next 30-50 years.
PDF of slide deck:…
PDF with all the links:…
Click to WatchZero Waste Water Webinar
Finding and Fixing Leaks in Your Irrigation System
This webinar covers the process of how to find a leak. Providing tools and resources to figure out if the leak is an indoor plumbing fixture leak or an outdoor irrigation leak. If it is an outdoor irrigation leak, providing advice for ways to fix it.
This webinar was a Q&A webinar with irrigation experts Kris Loomis, Sonoma Water and Leslie Hart, Sonoma County Master Gardener and Coordinator of the Garden Sense Program.
Click to Watch
Graywater Basics
WebinarLaura Allen, with Graywater Action presents the concepts of graywater, different systems and how they function, general costs, and how you can utilize graywater in your home and in your landscape. Through simple design and creativity, you can easily take advantage of graywater.
The Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership sponsored the event. The webinar is hosted by Daily Acts and presented by Laura Allen with Graywater Action.
Click to WatchLaundry to Landscape
WebinarLaura Allen with Graywater Action presents the components of a laundry-to-landscape system, and how to best design for your space. Laura discusses design considerations, code requirements, and how to design your landscape to utilize every drop of graywater produced.
This webinar is sponsored by the Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership, hosted by Daily Acts and presented by Laura Allen with Graywater Action.
Click to WatchPermitted Graywater Systems
WebinarLaura Allen with Graywater Action describes graywater re-use and permitted systems that can help you take the next step to re-purposing water that is produced in your home. In this presentation, Laura discusses considerations for more advanced systems, water storage and filtering, and how you can use graywater for irrigation in the landscape.
This webinar is sponsored by the Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership, hosted by Daily Acts and presented by Laura Allen with Graywater Action
Click to WatchWater Saving Tips From Hotel Trio
Brooke Ross from Hotel Trio describes actions Hotel Trio has taken to reduce water use. This video is part of the Summer 2021 drought campaign series. For more Trusted Messenger videos check out Sonoma Water’s Youtube channel:
Click to WatchResilient Landscaping: Gardening in the Defensible Space
Learn how to create and maintain a fire-wise, sustainable garden that supports biodiversity while meeting County code requirements. We can help you with plant selection, placement, and maintenance, to preserve and even enhance wildlife habitat, while keeping your property and neighborhood fire-wise and sustainable.
Workshop creators and presenters include: Dr. Michael Jones: University of California Cooperative Extension Forest Advisor Mimi Enright: Program Manager, UC Cooperative Extension Master Gardener Program of Sonoma County April Owens: Executive Director, Habitat Corridor Project; Horticulture Chairperson, CNPS-Milo Baker Chapter Ellie Insley: Landscape Architect, Natural Habitat Restoration Specialist; Director, Sonoma Ecology Center All are welcome, however workshop content will be focused on the Safer West County communities.
Click to WatchDrought Gardening Tips
Sonoma County Master Gardeners present gardening tipsThis video covers three topics: how to save water in your landscape, how to save water in a fall/winter vegetable garden and how to prepare your garden for fire season. How much should you water? Can you plan for winter/fall garden? Watering trees and shrubs, how much and when? Where can you find information on restrictions and watering? How to plan for next year?
Click to WatchHow To Read Your Water Meter
This video will teach you how to locate and read your water meter.
Click to WatchCare for Trees During Drought
Give your trees some TLC. We need trees and trees need our care. Adding mulch under the canopy and providing infrequent but deep watering will keep your trees thriving.
Click to WatchCuidado de Sus Arboles Durante Una Sequía
Dales a tus árboles atención. Necesitamos árboles y los árboles necesitan nuestro cuidado. Agregar mantillo debajo del dosel y proporcionar riego poco frecuente pero profundamente mantendrá a los árboles.
Click to WatchSave Water with a WaterSense Irrigation Controller
If your irrigation system uses a clock timer, consider upgrading to a WaterSense labeled smart controller that acts like a thermostat for your lawn. It uses local weather data to determine when and how much to water and can reduce irrigation use by 15%, saving nearly 8,800 gallons of water per year.
Click to WatchAhorrar agua. Cambiar a un controlador WaterSense
Si su sistema de riego usa un reloj temporizador, considere actualizar a un controlador inteligente con la etiqueta WaterSense que actúa como un termostato para el césped. Utiliza datos meteorológicos locales para determinar cuándo y cuánto regar y puede reducir el uso de riego en un 15%, ahorrando casi 8,800 galones de agua por año.
Click to WatchSwitch to Drip
Drip irrigation waters only where you need it. Consider switching from spray sprinklers to drip to save water and money.
Click to WatchSprinkler Spruce Up
When it comes to a home’s irrigation system, a little maintenance can save a lot of water. Start by inspecting your irrigation system for broken, clogged, or misdirected sprinkler heads. Just one broken sprinkler head could waste up to 25,000 gallons of water between May and October.
Click to WatchMantenimento Sistema de Riego
Cuando se trata del sistema de riego en el hogar, un poco de mantenimiento puede ahorrar mucha agua. Comience inspeccionando su sistema de riego en busca de aspersores rotos, obstruidos o torcidos. Un solo aspersor roto podría desperdiciar hasta 25,000 galones de agua entre mayo y octubre.
Click to Watch