
Programming Your Irrigation Controller

Apr. 22, 2023 | 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

City Hall, Sustainable Education Garden

100 Santa Rosa Ave, Santa Rosa, CA, USA

City of Santa Rosa

Now is a great time to brush off the dust of your irrigation controller and learn how you can program your controller in order to save water and money! This year, during Santa Rosa’s Earth Day 2023, Daily Acts and Santa Rosa Water will be hosting a FREE hands-on controller programming workshop. Come out and learn more about how your landscape can be truly water-wise! In honor of Earth Day each attendee will receive a free low water use plant!

Add to Calendar Apr. 22, 2023 1:00 pm Apr. 22, 2023 3:00 pm Programming Your Irrigation Controller Now is a great time to brush off the dust of your irrigation controller and learn how you can program your controller in order to save water and money! This year, during Santa Rosa’s Earth Day 2023, Daily Acts and Santa Rosa Water will be hosting a FREE hands-on controller programming workshop. Come out and learn more about how your landscape can be truly water-wise! In honor of Earth Day each attendee will receive a free low water use plant! City Hall, Sustainable Education Garden
