
Permitted Graywater Systems and Your Home

Oct. 28, 2021 | 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Free Webinar

Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership and Daily Acts

So you’re familiar with graywater, you’re eager to conserve every drop of water, and now you’re wondering what else can be done to re-use water that you’re paying for?! We’re glad you’ve found us.

Join this webinar to take a deeper dive into graywater re-use and to learn about permitted systems that can help you take the next step to re-purposing water that is produced in your home. In this presentation, Laura Allen will discuss considerations for more advanced systems, water storage and filtering, and how you can use graywater for irrigation in the landscape.

In a previous webinars with Laura Allen, we covered an introduction to graywater, took a closer look at laundry-to-landscape systems, and discussed various site conditions that would help to determine what type of graywater application would be best suited for your home. Please take a moment to review our recorded webinars ahead of this event. You can review our list of recorded programs by clicking here. Different types of graywater systems.

Join us to learn about:

Add to Calendar Oct. 28, 2021 6:00 pm Oct. 28, 2021 7:30 pm Permitted Graywater Systems and Your Home So you’re familiar with graywater, you’re eager to conserve every drop of water, and now you’re wondering what else can be done to re-use water that you’re paying for?! We’re glad you’ve found us. Join this webinar to take a deeper dive into graywater re-use and to learn about permitted systems that can help you take the next step to re-purposing water that is produced in your home. In this presentation, Laura Allen will discuss considerations for more advanced systems, water storage and filtering, and how you can use graywater for irrigation in the landscape. In a previous webinars with Laura… Free Webinar
