Daily Acts Office Hours: Conversations on Graywater
Jan. 17, 2024 | 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
In-person in Petaluma
201 1st Street, Petaluma, CA, USA
City of Petaluma + Daily Acts
Let’s talk laundry-to-landscape greywater systems!
Did you know that a conventional washing machine uses between 30-45 gallons of water per cycle. That’s a lot of water that could be reused to irrigate your garden.
Join Daily Acts for a high level overview of laundry-to-landscape greywater. We’ll offer a brief presentation that highlights what greywater is, design considerations, key system components, and how you can ensure your system and landscape remain healthy.
This program will also provide space for 1:1 discussions with our presenters to help you understand if greywater can be incorporated in to your home and landscape.
This office happy hour is for folks of all skill levels; those who are familiar with laundry-to landscape and those new to the concept. Our goal is to determine if L2L is right for you and to help folks feel more comfortable installing this system on their own!
If you have specific questions about your site feel free to bring photos to share.
Take a look at our Greywater Master Handout
Learn about graywater basics with this webinar, Let’s Talk Greywater
Need a refresher on what laundry-to-landscape systems are? View this webinar, Designing L2L Greywater Systems