Water Waste Leads to Extinction

During the summer months a 1,000 square foot lawn requires 5,000 gallons of water per week. By changing to a low water use landscape you can reduce your water usage by as much as 70%. Lawns require more water, more maintenance, increase pollution, and lead to pollinator decline. Overall, lawns are ecological dead zones.

Garden to Garden Comparison Study

A case study done by the City of Santa Monica found that on average a low water use garden uses 83% less water, generates 56% less green waste and requires 68% less maintenance than a lawn landscape. Download the study here (PDF).

Impacts to Air Quality and Increased Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Using a gas-powered lawn mower for 1 hour produces similar emissions to the average car driving for 100 miles! By reducing or eliminating turf grass areas in your yard you will reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions and lessen air quality impacts associated with mowing.

Impacts to Water Quality

While nitrogen fertilizer keeps a lawn healthy, it can contribute to contaminated runoff that flows to the storm drain and eventually makes its way to local creeks. You can keep our waterways healthy by minimizing turf grass.

Impacts to Pollinator Habitat

According to Xerces Society, more than one-quarter of North American bumble bees are facing some degree of extinction risk. Bees and other native pollinators have been declining largely due to the loss of habitat. Lawns do not provide food or shelter for pollinators, but native plants do! Consider converting your lawn into a pollinator-friendly garden.