2025 Partnership Outreach Survey

Each year, the Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership plans and implements community engagement activities to promote water use efficiency. This survey will help us refine and focus our efforts. The questions are laid out in a timeline over the course of the year. Some topics are there for context only.

1. Earth Day is April 22, 2025 Is your agency planning to promote this event?
2. Eco-Friendly Garden Tour – May 10, 2025. Is your agency planning to table at a garden?
3. Does your agency have other events planned for this Spring?

Summer Outreach – June through September

4.What are your agency’s priorities for water use efficiency this summer? (Select all that apply)
5. Does your agency have plans to increase a rebate program amount?
6. Which water use efficiency topics would you like the Partnership to emphasize this summer? (Select top 3 topics)
7. What are your plans for outreach this summer? (Select all that apply)